SunshineMassage School

SunshineMassage School


The Sunshine Network

The Sunshine Network, worldwide:

    The Sunshine Network, worldwide

Related to Traditional Thai Massage

•  Canada: Lotus Palm Montreal, Institute of Thai Massage and Traditional Bodywork, Founded by Kam Thye Chow and directed today by Sukha Wong.

•  England: Kira Balaskas, professional Thai Yoga massage.

•  England: Nicola and Fiona Smith, professional Thai Yoga massage.

•  France: David Lutt, Thai Massage and Osteopathy.

•   Germany: Elke Houston, Professional ThaiYogaMassage, Psychotherapie (HPG) & Kunsttherapie, Yoga & Yogatherapie

•   Germany: Hans Lütz, professional Thai Yoga massage; Tai Chi training

•   Germany: Michael Lampel, Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie - Thai Yoga Lounge Nürnberg

•  Greece: KrishnaTaki Economoy, professional Thai Yoga massage.

•  India: Itzhak Helman, professional Thai Yoga massage.

•   Italy: Cristina Radivo, professional Thai Yoga massage.

•   Israel: Noam Tyroler, School of Thai Acupressure

•  Spain,   Switzerland: Choenzom Emchi Diaz

•  Thailand: Therdchai "Mac" Chumphoopong, The Fine Art of Thai massage school

•  Thailand : Waree, Thai Massage Therapist,  Chiang Mai, Pai, Koh Phangan

•  USA, San Francisco: Robert de Nies, Body Work, The Way It was Meant To Be


Other links not related to Traditional Thai Massage

•   Rosemary Wallace, Integrated CranioSacral: Gentle Touch Workshop

•   Ralf Marzen, StillPoint in London

 •  Zen Shiatsu Integrated courses, Oda (Sati)

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